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Symposium "Prospects for Ethnological / Anthropological Approach of European Studies in Russia"

March 21, 2016

November 1-2, 2016, Moscow

Hosted by:

  • Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAS)
  • Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), the Russian Academy of Sciences (MAE RAS)
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Organizing Committee:

  • Prof. Marina Martynova, Director of the IEA RAS (Chairman)
  • Ekaterina Holler, PhD (Secretary)
  • Prof. Lidiya Zasedateleva (MSU)
  • Denis Ermolin, PhD (MAE RAS)
  • Roman Ignatev, PhD (IEA RAS)
  • Mikhail Kabitski, PhD (Russian State University for Humanities)
  • Natalia Kalashnikova, PhD (Head of the Department of Ukraine, Byelorussia, and Moldova, the Russian Museum of Ethnography)
  • Alexander Novik, PhD (Head of the Department of European Studies, MAE RAS)
  • Elena Sorokina, PhD (IEA RAS)
  • Daria Trynkina (MSU)
  • Elena Uzeneva, PhD (Deputy Director, Academic Secretary of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)   

The symposium Prospects for Ethnological / Anthropological Approach of European Studies in Russia is intended to represent the latest research achievements as well as the methodological fundamentals by the Russian ethnologists and anthropologists who focus their research on Europe. It is also aimed to define the place of ethnological / anthropological knowledge in European Studies within contemporary Russian science and to specify the most promising future focus areas for the Russian experts in European Studies.

During the two days of symposium such terms as Traditions, Identity, Urbanism, Regionalism, Migrations, Issues of Historiography and other questions are going to be covered at length. We invite ethnologists and anthropologists as well as experts with related disciplinary backgrounds to participate in the symposium. Participants’ papers will be considered for publication as collected works on the results of the symposium.

Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs, however, non-residents will be provided with low-cost facilities in the academic hotel.

Deadline for submission is October 1, 2016. Please, send your application forms and questions to the e-mail of the Organizing Committee:, providing the following information:

1). Full name

2). Scientific degree, place of employment and job title

3). Research interests

4). Email, phone number

5). Title of the paper

6). CV (max 200 words)

7). Abstract (max 200 words)

8). Need for multimedia

9). Need for low-cost hotel facilities

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