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Museum Director

Andrei V. Golovnev took up the post of Director of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) in June of 2017. He is a Professor with a Doctor of Sciences degree in history (with a specialization in ethnography) and a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2020, he received the Russian Federation National Award in Science and Technology for his contribution to research into the cultural heritage of the Arctic indigenous peoples.

Professor Golovnev received his Candidate of Sciences degree in ethnography in 1986 at Moscow State University; his dissertation title was "Historical Forms of Economy Among Peoples in Northwest Siberia." He earned his Doctor of Sciences degree in 1995 at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, his dissertation title being "Samoyeds and Ugrians of Western Siberia: Complexes of Traditional Cultures."

Professor Golovnev's pedagogical career spans several decades: having started it as a teacher of history in a secondary school at the village of Ust-Ishim, he then taught at Tobolsk Teacher's Institute, Ural Federal University, Ural Pedagogical University, Omsk State University, and Chelyabinsk State University. As an invited professor, he taught courses, and he gave guest lectures at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Brown University, the University of Arkansas, Dartmouth College, the University of Miami, Columbia University, at the Arctic University of Norway, and the Arctic Center at the University of Lapland (Finland). Currently, he is a Professor at St. Petersburg University, Kazan University, Belgorod University, and the Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg.

Dr. Golovnev is a founder of the academic school "the anthropology of movement." His research interests include history and theory of colonization, nomadology, cultures, and peoples of Northern Eurasia, ethno-phenomenology, mythology, and visual anthropology. His theoretical work stems from many decades of field research in the fundamental study and applied projects concerning the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples in the Arctic and Siberia, particularly the territories of Yamal, Taymyr, and Gydan Peninsulas, the Chukotka region, the European North of Russia, Yugra, Fennoscandia, and the Ural. He is the author and editor of more than 300 publications, including monographs, essay collections, and articles. He chaired organizing committees of numerous conferences, including Northern Archaeological Congresses in Khanty-Mansiisk (in 2002, 2006, and 2010) and the Eleventh Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia in Yekaterinburg in 2015.

Dr. Golovnev is known for his ethnographic films, which received awards at Russian and international film festivals, including the prize by the Arctic Studies Center at The Smithsonian Institution (1994) and Grand-Prix at the First and Second Russian Festivals of Anthropological Films (1998 and 2000). Since 2003, he has been President of the Russian Festival of Anthropological Films.



· Siberian Survival: The Nenets and Their Story. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1999, 224 p. Co-authored with Gail Osherenko

· Историческая типология хозяйства народов Северо-Западной Сибири [Historical Typology of Economies of Peoples in Northwest Siberia]. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University Press, 1993., 204 p.

· Говорящие культуры: традиции самодийцев и угров [Talking Cultures: Traditions of Samoyeds and Ugrians] Yekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 1995, 600 p.

· Кочевники тундры: ненцы и их фольклор [Tundra Nomads: Nenets and Their Folklore]. Yekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2004, 344 p.

· Антропология движения [Anthropology of Movement]. Yekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2009, 497 p.

· Феномен колонизации [Phenomenon of Colonization]. Yekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2015, 592 p.

· Этноэкспертиза на Ямале: ненецкие кочевья и газовые месторождения [Ethno-Expertise on Yamal: Nenets Migrations and Gas-Fields]. Yekaterinburg: AMB Press, 2014, 232 p. Co-authored with Svetlana V. Liozova, Ilia V. Abramov, Svetlana Yu. Belorussova, Natalia A. Babenkova.

· Кочевники Арктики: текстово-визуальные миниатюры [Arctic Nomads: Verbal-Visual Miniatures]. Yekaterinburg: Alfa-Print, 2015, 132 p. Co-authored with Elena V. Perevalova, Ilia V. Abramov, Denis A. Kukanov, Alexandra S. Rogova, Svetlana G. Usenyuk.

· Оленеводы Ямала: материалы к Атласу кочевых технологий [Yamal Reindeer-Herders: Data for Atlas of Nomadic Technologies]. Yekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016, 152 p. Co-authored with Nikolai P. Garin, Denis A. Kukanov.

· Арктика: Атлас кочевых технологий [Arctic: Atlas of Nomadic Technologies.] St Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2018, 350 p. Co-authored with Denis A. Kukanov, Elena Perevalova)

· Очерки Антропологии Движения [Essays on the Anthropology of Movement]. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2020, 326 p. Co-authored with Svetlana Belorussova and Tatiana Kisser



· Дорога Татвы [Road of Tatva]. 1992. 28 min.

· Боги Ямала [Yamal Gods]. 1992. 30 min.

· Легенда о сихитря [Legend of Sikhirtia] 1993. 17 min.

· Чертово озеро [Devil's Lake]. 1993. 29 min.

· Хадампэ [Khadampae]. 1994. 24 min.

· На другом берегу [On the Other Side]. 1995. 27 min.

· Путь к святилищу [Way to the Sacred Place]. 1997. 47 min.

· Пегтымель [Pegtymel]. 2000. 32 min.

· Остров Жохова [The Zhokhov Island]. 2002. 52 min.

· Почтовая лошадь [Post Horse]. 2008. 36 min.



  • Этнография (Etnografia), Editor-in-chief
  • Кунсткамера (Kunstkamera), Editor-in-chief
  • Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia
  • Ural Historical Bulletin
  • Bulletin of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences Series
  • Tractus Aevorum



  • Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
  • World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA)
  • International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA)