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Laboratory of Audiovisual Anthropology

Head of Laboratory

Ekaterina TOLMACHEVA, Cand.Sc.

Laboratory Staff

Levon AYVAZYAN, Photographer

Aleksandr KOPANEV, Junior Reseacher

Stanislav SHAPIRO, Photographer

Main objectives and activities

  • Digital photography of museum specimens during the design and implementation of exhibition projects (permanent and temporary exhibitions at MAE, traveling exhibitions in Russia and abroad);
  • Digital photography of museum specimens for MAE publications;
  • Digital photography of museum specimens for other publications, at requests from Russian and foreign research centers on contract and agreement basis;
  • Digitalization of the MAE analogous photographic funds (negatives and prints);
  • Procession of digital photographs and scans;
  • Creation of a digital archive of the MAE RAS collections;
  • Creation of a digital archive of photographic and illustrative collections of the MAE RAS;
  • Photography of permanent and temporary exhibitions at MAE;
  • Photography of all important events in the museum and scientific life of the MAE RAS;
  • Photography for the museum web site;
  • Storage, procession and systematization of field audio-, video-, and photographic materials in digital format;
  • Carrying out of specialized ethnographical photo-expeditions