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About the Northernness of Russia for the Indian audience

January 23, 2024
Today, January 23, at 12:00, an online lecture was held by the Director of the MAE RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Andrey Vladimirovich Golovnev for the Indian audience. The lecture on the topic “Northness of Russia” was held in English.

The organizers were the MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS and the Jawaharlal Nehru University, with whom MAE RAS had signed a framework cooperation agreement. The lecture was planned during a meeting between the Director of the MAE RAS and the Head of the Department of International cooperation, Professor P. R. Kumaraswamy and Professors of the Center of Russian Studies, Richa Sawant and Ranjana Banerjee, which took place at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in October 2023, as part of the visit of the delegation of the MAE RAS to Delhi in connection with participation in the 19th Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES 2023).

The online lecture was attended by students and teachers of the Center of Russian Studies and the School of International Relations of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, as well as students from the universities of Baroda and Hyderabad. Indian listeners with great interest got acquainted with the concept of the Northness of Russia, which was new to them. The lecture was followed by a discussion at which the listeners were able to ask Andrei Vladimirovich questions on the topic of the lecture. Thematically, the lecture is based on the research and book by A. V. Golovnev “Northerness of Russia”.

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