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Albert К. Baiburin

albert к. baiburin

Senior Researcher, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Editor, Antropologicheskii forum/Forum for Anthropology and Culture


Phone: +7 (921) 786-33-00



Born in 1947 in Eisk, Krasnodar region, Albert K. Baiburin entered in 1966 the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tartu. In 1972-1975, he was a postgraduate student at the Institute of Ethnography (the Leningrad branch). In 1976-1994, he served as Researcher at the Institute of Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. From 1994 to 2002, he was the Founding Dean and Professor of the Department of Ethnology at the European University in St. Petersburg. In 1997 – 1998, he was a visiting professor at the University of Paris-IV. From 2002, Dr. Baiburin is the Editor-in-Chief of Antropologicheskii forum/Forum for Anthropology and Culture and the Leading Researcher at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


1995 Doctor of Sciences in History (Ethnography) at the Institute of Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences. Dissertation topic: “The Semiotic Aspects of Traditional East Slavonic Culture” [Semioticheskie aspekty funktsionirovaniya traditsionnoi kul’tury]

1975 Candidate of Sciences degree, Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences. Dissertation topic: “The Russian Folk Rituals Associated with the Building of the House” [Russkie narodnye obryady, svyazannye so stroitel’stvom zhilishcha].

1972 Specialist diploma in History and Philology, University of Tartu, Estonia, USSR


Ritualized forms of behavior, anthropology of everyday life, history of anthropological ideas


  • 2000, Carnegie Foundation Grant, Research project on Russian in-migration from the former Soviet Union, “Other Russians or Mobilized Mentality” [Drugie russkie ili mobilizovannaya mental’nost”], Project Leader
  • 2000-2001 The European University in St Petersburg, Ethnic awareness training program for government officials, “Ethnic Tolerance in Russia” [Tolerantnost’ v Rossii], Project Leader.
  • 2003, The British Academy Global Professorship program at the University of Oxford  
  • 2007-2013, The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), “National Identity in Russia from 1961: Traditions and Deterritorialisation”
  • 2007-2018 “Soviet everyday life,” project funded by Malkhaz Abudushelishvili


Dr. Baiburin is the author and editor of numerous books and more than 350 articles and reviews, including the following:


  • 1973. Problems in Slavonic Ethnography [Problemy slavyanskoi etnografii]. Co-editor with K. V. Chistov. Leningrad: Nauka, 240 p.
  • 1983. The House in the Rituals and Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs [Zhilishche v obryadakh i predstavleniyakh vostochnykh slavyan]. Leningrad: Nauka, 183 p. Reprinted in 2005.
  • 1985. Ethnic Behaviour Stereotypes [Etnicheskie stereotipy povedeniya]. Editor. Leningrad; Nauka, 325 p.
  • 1988. The Etiquette of the Peoples of Central Asia. Editor with A. M. Reshetov, Moscow: Nauka, 264 p.
  • 1990. The Origins of Etiquette [U istokov etiketa]. Co-author with A. L. Toporkov. Leningrad: Nauka, 166 p.
  • 1991. Ethnic Stereotypes of Male and Female Behaviour [Etnicheskie stereotipy muzhskogo i zhenskogo povedeniya]. Co-editor with I. S. Kon. Leningrad: Nauka, 320 p.
  • 2004. Forgotten Words and Meanings. A Dictionary of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Russian Culture [Polyzabytye slova i znacheniya. Slovar’ russkoi kul’tury XVIII-XIX vekov]. Co-editor with Francis Conte and Leonid Belovitsky, St Petersburg and Moscow: Evropeiskii Dom.
  • 2005. Auxsourcesdel’étiquette: étudesethnographiques. Co-author with A. L. Toporkov and Janine Neboit-Mombet Paris: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 195 р.
  • 2012. Russian Cultural Anthropology after the Collapse of Communism. Co-editor with C. Kelly, N. Vakhtin. London: Routledge, 283 p.
  • 2021. The Soviet Passport. The History, Nature and Uses оf the Internal Passport in the USSR. Cambridge: Polity Press, 451 p.


  • 1981. “Semiotic Status of Things in Mythology” [Semioticheskii status veshchei v mifologii], Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii 37, 215-26. Also in French in Ethnologie française 26:4, 641-53 and in English in Etnologia Europea 27 (1997), 3-14.
  • 1985. “Laments: Text and Contex” [Prichitaniya: tekst i kontekst], Artes Populares 14, 59-77.
  • 1989. “Specifics of Pragmatic Orientation in Modern and Pre-Modern Cultures” [Spetsifika pragmaticheskikh orientatsii v sovremennoi i arkhaicheskoi kul’ture], Mitologiya. Izkustvo. Folklor. Sofia, pp. 81-94.
  • 1992. “Ritual: Between the Biological and the Social” [Ritual: mezhdu biologicheskim i sotsial’nym], Folklore and Ethnographic Reality [Fol’klor i etnograficheskaya deistvitel’nost’] St Petersburg: Nauka, pp. 18-28.
  • 1993. “General Remarks on Ritual,” Kul’turologiya: The Petersburg Journal of Cultural Studies 1:3, pp. 4-14.
  • 1998. “Code[s] and Ritual[s]” [Kody i obryady], Kolovi slovenskikh kultur 3, pp. 239-57.
  • 2000. “Le ritual et l’évenement. La construction du temps dans la culture traditionelle russe,” Ethnologie française 30:1, pp. 41-9.
  • 2003. “The Concept of the Word in Russian Tradition,” Dynamics of Tradition’ Perspectives on Oral Poetry and Folk Belief. Essays in Honour of Anna-Leena Siikala on her Sixtieth Birthday. Helsinki.
  • 2004. “Ethnographical Museum: Semiotics and Ideology” [Etnograficheskii muzei: semiotika i ideologiya], Neprikosnovennyi zapas 1, pp. 81-96.
  • 2004. “The Status of the Reconstruction in Studies of Folklore and Ethnography” [Status rekonstruktsii v fol’klorno-etnograficheskikh issledovaniyakh], Traditsionnoe soznanie: problemy rekonstruktsii. Tomsk, pp. 11-19.
  • 2005. “Some Remarks on Resistance, Borrowing, and Cultural Interaction” [Neskol’ko zamechanii o resistentnosti, zaimstvovaniyakh i vzaimovliyaniyakh], Mezhkul’turnye vzaimodeistviya v polietnichnom prostranstve pogranichnogo regiona. Petrozavodsk, pp. 3-7.
  • 2005. Concepts of the Word in Russian Traditional Culture.” Forum for Anthropology and Culture 2, pp. 295–315.
  • 2008. “Le corps et le parole,” Le corps dans la culture russe et au-delà. Paris: Université de Paris-Sorbonne,  pp. 125–136.
  • 2009. “When We Were Happy: Remembering Soviet Holydays,” Petrified Utopia. Happiness Soviet Style. Co-author with A. Piir. London – New York – Dehli, Anthem Press, pp. 161-186
  • 2010. “Remarques sur les notions de slucaj (hazard) et de slucajnoe (qui releve du hazard, accidental, inattendu) en rapport avec la categorie du temps,” L’USSR, un paradis perdu? Le temps et ses representations dans la culture Russe. Paris: L’UFR d’Études slaves de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, pp. 23–38.
  • 2012. “Rituals of Identity: The Soviet passport,” Soviet and Post-Soviet Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 91–110.
  • 2012.”The Wrong Nationality: Ascribed Identity in the 1930s Soviet Union,” Russian Cultural Anthropology after the Collapse of Communism. London: Routledge, pp. 59–76.
  • 2018. “The Brezhnev Era in Anthropological Retrospective,” Forum for Anthropology and Culture 14.Co-authored with C. Kelly, pp. 99-106
  • 2019. “Folklore et memoire populaire,” Le sites de la memoire russe. Paris: Fayard, pp. 241-259.