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2023 | 2022 | 2021

December 16, 2021

Nineteenth Interdisciplinary Seminar, Theory, and Methodology of Archaism

December 13-14, 2021

Annual Research Conference, The Maklaev Readings

November 29-30, 2021

International Conference, Humans and Animals: Paradoxes of Relationships

November 24 – 26, 2021

The Fourteenth Scandinavian Readings

November 1-3, 2021

International Academic Conference, Peter I and the Imperial Identity of Russia: On the 300th Anniversary of Peter's Adoption of Father of the Fatherland and Emperor of All Russia Title

October 14-15, 2021 Twenty-first Academic Conference, The Germans in St. Petersburg: A Biographical Aspect
September 27-28, 2021 The Ninth Dorgiev Readings, Buddhism and the Modern World
June 23-25, 2021 Readings in Memory of D. A. Olderogge
May 27, 2021 International Academic Conference, 1821 in the Balkans: Greek Revolt. The Wallachian Uprising. The death of Tudor Vladimirescu
May 25-27, 2021 The Forty-Fourth Lavrov Readings: Central Asia and the Caucasus
May 18-21, 2021 The Forty-Second Zograf Readings
March 1-3, 2021 Annual Research Conference, The Radlov Readings
February 11, 2021

Eighteenth Interdisciplinary Seminar, Theory, and Methodology of Archaicism


1. Science of the Kunstkamera. Supervisors: Yuri K. Chistov, D. Sc., Natalia P. Kopaneva, Cand. Sc.

2. Textile Seminar. Supervisor: Yelena G. Tsareva, D. Sc.

3. Seminar of the Council of Young Scientists at the MAE RAS.

4. Caucasus: the Crossroads of Cultures, organized by the Department of Ethnography of the Caucasus. Supervisor: Makka S.-G. Albogachieva. D. Sc.

5. Anthropology of St. Petersburg. Supervisor: Natalia E. Mazalova, D. Sc.

6. Field Seminar of MAE RAS. Supervisors: Alexander A. Novik, Dr. Sc., Elena G. Fedorova, Cand. Sc.,

Golant, Cand. Sc.