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Deputy Chair

deputy chair

Vladimir N. Davydov

Deputy Director for Research, PhD in Anthropology (University of Aberdeen), Candidate of Sociological Sciences


Phone: +7 (812) 328-41-51 (office)

Fax: +7 (812) 328-08-11



Born in 1981 in Leningrad. In 2005-2006, Vladimir underwent a 10-month internship at the Norwegian Technical National University, the Institute of Social Anthropology in Trondheim, Norway. In 2006-201, Vladimir participated in the Baikal Archaeological Project (the ethnographic module) and completed doctoral studies at the University of Aberdeen, the UK. As part of his dissertation research in 2007-2009, he carried out the 11-month field study of the North Baikal Evenks. In 2006 - 2007 and in 200, he worked as a teaching assistant at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen (Aberdeen, UK). He has been working at the MAE RAS since 2012. From 2012 to 2019, he headed the Department of Ethnography of Siberia at the MAE RAS.


In 2012 defended his PhD thesis at the University of Aberdeen (Great Britain). Official opponents were Dr. Patti Gray (University of Mainut, Ireland) and Dr. Peter Jordan (University of Aberdeen, UK). Thesis topic: "People in motion: industrial development projects and the use of space by hunters, reindeer herders and fishermen of North Baikal."

2006-2007 - Applicant for the Center for Interethnic Relations, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IS RAS), Moscow.

In 2007, defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of sociological sciences. Dissertation topic: "Ethnocultural authenticity of youth representatives from among the indigenous peoples of the North in the Russian metropolis." Scientific adviser:  Dr. V .I. Mukomel.

In 2003, graduated from the Faculty of Sociology of the St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) with the qualification “social anthropologist”.


Anthropology of mobility and space; anthropology of food; anthropology of the landscape; the relationship between humans, animals, and landscape; methods of socio-anthropological research; history of Siberian studies.


  • 2020-2022 - Leading the research topic "People and things: local communities, materials, technologies" (together with A. Novik);
  • 2015-2016 - Leading the research topic "Ethnicity in state and political practices".


The asterisk (*) indicates a grant for which I was not an official PI due to institutional restrictions.

  • 2018-2020 The Russian Science Foundation, "Energy of the Arctic and Siberia: the use of resources in the context of socio-economic and environmental changes" (No. 18-18-00309), Principal Investigator (PI).
  • 2018-2020 The Russian Foundation for Basic Research, "Research of the peoples of Siberia and the Moscow ethnographic school: methodology, materials and collections of the Tunguska expedition of 1927-1928" (No. 18-09-00537 A), PI.
  • 2018-2020 The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences project, "Culturally complex societies of Siberia: historical experience in the field of collective identity and management." In 2018, the section was implemented within the framework of the Fundamental Research Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Cultural Complex Societies: Understanding and Management", Direction 1 "Historical experience of Russia and other countries in the field of collective identity formation and management of multinational societies." Since 2019, the Program of Fundamental Research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Culturally Complex Societies: Understanding and Management" has been continued as a subprogram within the framework of the joint project "Social and Humanitarian Aspects of Sustainable Development and Ensuring Russia's Strategic Breakthrough," PI
  • *2019 - project of the Russian Science Foundation "Nutrition in the Russian Arctic: Resources, Technologies and Innovations" (No. 19-78-10002).
  • *2017-2019 - project "On the edge of the state: the economy of private informal use of natural resources in the North and the Far East" (grant from the Khamovniki Social Research Foundation);
  • *2018 - RFBR project "Social foundations of the informal economy: environmental management in the North, Siberia and the Far East" (No. 17-33-01057).
  • 2016 Grant to support young scientists participating in the X Siberian Readings conference, The Social and Human Working Group of the International Arctic Science Council (SHWG IASC), co-PI with D. V. Arzyut.
  • *2016-2018 - National Geographic project “Culturally modified rocks and woods in East Siberia: Perception and use of rock art, carvings and decorations among Orochen-Evenki reindeer herders and hunters” (together with D. Brandisauskas, Vilnius University, Lithuania).
  • 2014-2015 International Collaborative Visiting/Research Grant for scientific exchange in the framework of cooperation of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the French National Center for Scientific Research, “Research of local knowledge and its modern reinterpretations: Russian and French researchers exchange experience," Co-director with Dr. V. Vate.
  • *2012-2018 - Arctic Domus project (European Scientific Council grant ADG 295458).